Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A splendid wedding at Splendido!

Weddings always make me cry.
I remember this one time I attended one and was friends with neither the bride....nor the groom. Back then, I only came as my date's plus one. So as the bride was walking down the aisle, okay in all her splendor ( and Charlotte Church's Song "The Prayer" resonating in the background), I actually found myself welling up! My date at that time found it incredulous ( since I didn't really know anyone), and made it a 3 minute topic for discussion at the dinner table. You know, actually, he got all teary eyed before me was what he failed to mention! Oh well....
So today, my husband, Paolo, and I,  took a drive to Tagaytay to witness our friends Ige & Maui, tie the knot finally! Here's a shot of the new mister and missus.

They chose to celebrate their special day at Splendido and I can see why.

Details of their wedding day...

Let their story be told....

Their love story was the inspiration behind the invite.

Sweet hors d'oeuvres

Up close and personalized..

The place cards were of trails the couple used to run together. We were assigned to the San Bruno Mountains. Must bring a shawl then!

and voila!

I really wish this was the fountain of youth...

This is one of my best gal pals! I'm her big fan and am uber proud of her. She's Preview Fashion Magazine's Deputy Managing Editor and her articles are always the first thing I check out every month. In fact, she's myself and Paolo's favorite go-to stylist. Hands down.

 Lyca Puno for you ladies and gents!

That's fabulosity personified. Hey G! "Fab. Luv it. Say it fast." U promised me all the vodkas in the world when I give birth.;) Till then let's just toast first on........well, milk.

My turn to take their pic. Marvelous.

My husband is looking good in this picture. With him is RG ( lyca's future hubby "wink")

The boys of THE Fitness First Triathlon team. These guys train hard and parrrrtty harrder!!

Truth be told that to every successful triathlete man is one tough gorgeous woman. (Amen to that.) The Fitness First triathlete ladies and triathlon widows.

Fun times fun times!

Even Brooklyn is getting her groove on with the ladies!

Meet the Saulers.

Say cheese everyone!

Capping the night off. Whacky shots with the newlyweds! Best wishes Maui and "Iggy"!

I'm excited for ours hunny. Let's make it epic okay?

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